Flow Update #12 - Putting a pause.

Hey Everyone! Going to be putting a pause on this project. I think right now for me. I don't see too much value or interest from myself from working on it. But I did feel like I learned a few things here and there.

1. Building an environment using sprite sheets

2. Did more music stuff with Bosca Ceoil and getting comfortable with it. Enjoying it more as well!

3. Some coding to manage some resources

However some things that I think I could've done better before this pause is.

1. Make an immediate and obvious goal.

2. Failing faster.

I could make the excuse that I am in a transition period in my life with a big move, which might be part of it. But in particular to this situation of pausing my game either for a bit or indefinitely -- I've had this situation happen to me many many times.

My more complete games I'd say is from doing a game jam or completing it over the course of a week. Maybe I'll try to go back to that next.

For now. I might chill a bit and make some music on the side to prep up my music skill until the next inspiration strikes.

Thanks for following me on this journey.


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